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How To Drive Safely on Independence Day

Thoughts of Independence Day typically revolve around fireworks and food, but staying safe on July 4th is more challenging than it is on most other days. Whether dodging fireworks or negligent drivers, Independence Day brings challenges that we don’t deal with, typically in the form of heavy traffic and a more than likely chance that... read more
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Motorcycle Maintenance for Safe Bike Riding

Owning a motorcycle can be an incredible amount of fun, but it also comes with a tremendous amount of responsibility. Just like any other vehicle, motorcycles must be adequately maintained in order to ensure safety on the roadway. A poorly maintained motorcycle isn’t just a safety hazard for the motorcycle rider. It is a safety... read more
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Window Safety in Schools

School safety is of the utmost priority in Georgia, and school windows play a major role in keeping students safe. With violence in schools, particularly gun violence, becoming an ever-present danger, every facet of school design must keep safety in mind. School windows can provide an added layer of protection against these violent acts.  Why... read more
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How is Responsibility Determined for Hurricane Damage in Apartments and Rentals?

Hurricane damage most certainly affects individuals in Georgia, and not just those along the coast period of course, coastal dwellers in Georgia typically run the most risks of sustaining hurricane damage, but even individuals inland can experience a significant amount of property damage caused by wind, rain, and flooding. But how is responsibility determined after... read more
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Tips for Avoiding Road Rage Incidents

We have all likely experienced moments of frustration behind the wheel. Maybe even extreme frustration. That is almost inevitable when operating on Georgia roadways, and let’s not even mention city traffic during rush hour.  However, when tempers flare, road rage incidents can occur, and this can lead to serious consequences. Here, we want to discuss... read more
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Distracted Driving Laws in Georgia

Distracted driving can occur in a wide variety of ways. This includes using a phone or another type of device, eating or drinking behind the wheel, playing with pets, talking to others in the vehicle, rubbernecking, and more. Distracted Driving Awareness Month is in April, a National Safety Council initiative. The agency wants to help... read more
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Burn Injuries in the Home and How to Prevent Them

Most burn injuries are preventable, but preventing burn injuries requires understanding certain risks. Data from the American Burn Association indicates that 73% of burns during a 10-year time frame occurred inside people’s homes, highlighting the importance of understanding the risks and knowing how to protect not just yourself, but your family and friends. Burns in... read more
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