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Personal Injury

Lane Filtering and Lane Splitting in Georgia

There are plenty of motorcycle enthusiasts in Georgia. Staying safe is the priority of everyone on the roadway, but motorcyclists face more risks than those in passenger vehicles. There are two practices known in the motorcycle community that many people may not be aware of – lane filtering and lane splitting. Understanding what this is... read more
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Delayed Injuries After a Car Accident

Those involved in car accidents often end up with significant injuries. However, in many cases, a person gets into an accident and does not realize they have been injured at all. At least not immediately after the incident takes place. It is important for anyone who has been in a car accident to monitor their... read more
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Car Accident Settlements in Georgia

If you or someone you love has been involved in a car accident, you may wonder what the process is to receive a settlement for any injuries or damages. One of the most common questions people have is – How long will it take for me to get a settlement after a car accident in... read more
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5 Things that Could Affect Your Car Accident Claim

Being injured or sustaining property damage in a car accident that was caused by another driver’s negligence is not something anyone wants to experience. If this does happen, you want to make sure you do everything you can to receive the settlement you deserve. What many car accident victims do not realize is that there... read more
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Speeders Under 21 Years Old

Drivers who are under 21 years old are often treated differently than over-21 drivers.  For example, a younger driver who gets several traffic tickets might lose driving privileges for 6 or 12 months, whereas an older driver might not. The blood alcohol limit for an under-21 driver is 0.02, but it is 0.08 for a... read more
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Whose Fault Is It?

Comparative Fault in Georgia Georgia is considered a modified comparative fault jurisdiction, which means a Plaintiff (the person bringing the claim) can not bring a claim for negligence against an “at fault party” if the Plaintiff is more at fault than the “at fault party.” Thus, even if another person contributed in causing an accident you... read more
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