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Fayetteville Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney

Why Hire Our Hit-and-Run Accident Attorney in Fayetteville?

A car accident is always stressful, and this is compounded when the person who hit you leaves the scene. In the best case, this is inconvenient because you cannot collect their insurance information to make a claim. In the worst-case scenario, it can mean delayed access to life-saving treatment or even death. Our  Fayetteville car accident lawyer is familiar with all kinds of car accidents in the surrounding areas. We understand how complicated they can become in a hit-and-run situation. Kam, Ebersbach & Lewis, P.C. can help when you need a Fayetteville hit-and-run accident attorney.

Complications from a Fayetteville Hit-and-Run 

Georgia, like most states, operates on an at-fault insurance system. This means that the at-fault party in the accident is the one who pays for damages and losses in an accident. In many ways, this provides accountability to negligent drivers, but it can also leave victims of those drivers without much recourse in a hit-and-run accident. If you carry the minimum insurance coverage that Georgia law requires, you likely do not have uninsured motorist coverage, which can leave you stuck after a hit-and-run. While you may have health insurance coverage that can help with medical bills, you may be left with the bill for any necessary repairs to your car or other damaged property. 

When you hire a hit-and-run attorney with Kam Ebersbach and Lewis, personal injury trial attorneys, we can help you navigate the additional complications from your hit-and-run. One of the many benefits of a local attorney is our understanding of the area. We may be aware of local businesses or areas that could have caught video of the accident or have local connections that a non-local firm may not have, and this can become incredibly helpful in finding the driver and securing compensation for your injuries. 

Georgia Hit-and-Run Laws 

According to Georgia law, there are a few legally established duties in an accident. Section 40-6-270 of Georgia statutes requires any driver involved in a collision to stop and do the following immediately:

  • Provide their name, address, and registration number of the vehicle
  • Provide driver’s license upon request
  • Render aid to anyone injured. This can include calling 911 for EMS
  • Call 911 and remain on the scene until all requirements have been satisfied

The failure of a driver to stop after a collision can be charged in criminal court as a misdemeanor, resulting in a fine of at least $300 and up to 12 months in jail. Subsequent convictions in a five-year period may result in higher penalties. Criminal proceedings may affect your civil lawsuit, so it may be helpful to speak with your attorney regarding how your case may be affected. 

Compensation in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Fayetteville

You may be eligible for compensation if you have been injured in a Fayetteville hit-and-run accident. Georgia law requires the at-fault driver to pay for damages and injuries they cause in an accident, and leaving the scene may further your claim of negligence. Some of the damages you may recover after an accident like this can include:

  • Medical Bills
  • Costs of property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Legal fees

The damages you claim and their value will vary based on the circumstances of your case. Working with a personal injury attorney in Fayetteville can help you maximize the amount you recover. While money does not take away the experience or injury, it may provide you cushioning to recover in your own time and get your life headed back in the right direction.