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How To Drive Safely on Independence Day

Thoughts of Independence Day typically revolve around fireworks and food, but staying safe on July 4th is more challenging than it is on most other days. Whether dodging fireworks or negligent drivers, Independence Day brings challenges that we don’t deal with, typically in the form of heavy traffic and a more than likely chance that an intoxicated driver is on the roadway.

Staying safe requires diligence and some good recall of your defensive driving tactics.

Plan Your Route in Advance

One of the best ways to ensure safety while driving on Independence Day is to plan your route ahead of time. Knowing the best roads to take and anticipating traffic can help you avoid congestion and potential accidents. Note that in the event you do end up in an accident, contact our personal injury attorneys in Newnan today. Utilize GPS apps to find the quickest and safest routes, and consider alternative paths if you know certain areas will be heavily trafficked due to fireworks displays or public events.

Avoid Alcohol-Impaired Drivers

Independence Day is one of the deadliest days on U.S. roads due to alcohol-impaired drivers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 2,228 people have died in traffic collisions on July 4th across the US, and 39% of the drivers who lost their lives were impaired by alcohol. To protect yourself and your passengers, avoid driving late at night when impaired drivers are more likely to be on the road. Consider using rideshare services or designating a sober driver if you plan to drink.

Be Mindful of Fireworks

Fireworks are a hallmark of Independence Day celebrations, but they can pose a significant distraction for drivers. If you are driving during a time when fireworks are likely to be set off, such as in the evening, be extra cautious. Avoid looking at fireworks displays while driving, and keep your focus on the road. If you want to watch the fireworks, find a safe place to park and enjoy the show from a stationary position.

Avoid Heavy Traffic Areas

Independence Day often sees a surge in traffic, particularly around popular tourist spots and event locations. If possible, avoid these areas to reduce the risk of getting caught in a traffic jam or being involved in a collision. Planning your outings at times when traffic is lighter, such as early in the morning or late afternoon, can help you avoid the heaviest traffic periods.

Keep Your Vehicle in Good Condition

Before heading out on the road, make sure your vehicle is in top condition. Check your tire pressure, oil levels, and ensure your lights are functioning properly. A well-maintained vehicle is less likely to experience breakdowns, which can be dangerous on busy roads. Additionally, keep an emergency kit in your car that includes items like a flashlight, first-aid supplies, and water.

Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving is a major cause of accidents, and it is crucial to stay focused while driving, especially on a busy holiday like Independence Day. Avoid using your phone, eating, or engaging in any activities that can take your attention away from driving. If you need to make a call or send a text, pull over to a safe location first.

Watch for Pedestrians and Cyclists

Many people will be out walking or cycling to enjoy the festivities on Independence Day. Be extra vigilant in watching for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly in residential areas and near parks. Slow down and give them the right of way to ensure everyone’s safety.

Use Caution in Parking Lots

Parking lots can be particularly hazardous during large events and celebrations. Drive slowly, watch for pedestrians, and be cautious of other drivers who may be backing out of spaces without looking. Finding a spot further from the entrance can often be safer and easier to navigate.

Speak to a Car Accident Lawyer After a Crash

If you or a loved one is involved in a car accident on Independence Day, it is essential to seek legal assistance. A car accident lawyer in Newnan can help you navigate the complexities of your case, ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries, and hold the responsible parties accountable. For expert legal guidance, consider reaching out to Kam, Ebersbach & Lewis, P.C. today. Their experienced team is dedicated to helping you recover the compensation you deserve and will support you through every step of the legal process.